How to get here
Brenna is situated 8 km away from the S1 express road from Bielsko-Biała to Cieszyn. Turn off the road at Skoczów.
You can get to Brenna by bus which leaves or runs through the nearby town of Skoczów.
You can get to Brenna by a minibus which leaves the sites near bus stations:
-Cieszyn – the car park near the railway station
-Skoczów – behind the bus station
Tel. no.: 691 498 765
You can get to Brenna by train; the most convenient way is to get off the train at Skoczów and continue the journey by bus. You can get to Skoczów by a train from Katowice to Wisła.
To find a train timetable visit
Bus stops in Brenna
- Górki Sojka
- Górki Spółdzielnia
- Górki Małe
- Brenna Skrzyżowanie
- Brenna Spalona
- Brenna Pinkas
- Brenna Ośrodek Zdrowia
- Brenna Centrum
- Brenna Hołcyna
- Brenna Kotarz
- Brenna Lachy
- Brenna Bukowa
The distance from towns:
- Skoczów…........................14km
- Cieszyn….........................30km
- Bielsko-Biała…..................33km
- Katowice…........................80km
- Kraków…..........................118km
- Zakopane…......................167km
- Warszawa….....................370km